Monday, May 5, 2008

The Code of Silence ( Sonnet)

At the crossroads of hate and fear,
I met those whom no man held dear;
A Donkey, a Hippo, a Canetoad, a Viper,
All spoke a code, so hard to decipher.

Their code of Silence, I tried to hear,
With my Mind alone, for many a year;
I wore their skin, I stood their boot,
I lived their life till I found the truth.

In Silence, there was, the donkey's song,
The hippo's polka, also, floated along;
The canetoad’s hug, viper’s deep kiss,
The code did contain, their love, their bliss.

Who said just void, Silence does possess;
How else these Hated, can better express?

--Pradeep Dhavakumar

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